Happy Sport-Multi-functional-exercise equipment


The ideal home fitness equipment to help you strengthen your body and build muscles at a lower cost! 

You want abs but you can not get them? Do you want to sculpt your body quickly and efficiently? So the FitShape is for you. Results guaranteed  from the first weeks of use! 

  • EFFICIENT AND FAST: A daily use and various exercises will allow you to work all your muscles and sculpt your body quickly.    
  • SCULPT YOUR ABDOMINALS: It will allow you to  shape your upper, lower middle and oblique abdominals.
    VERSATILE: The  will also make possible the work of the pectoral and back, not to mention the biceps, shoulders, triceps, thighs or glutes.
  • COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHT: A compact and lightweight fitness and weight training device. It can be  used everywhere and easily transported thanks to its bag provided.
  • ADAPTABLE:  The  offers  60  different exercises across 6 levels of resistance!

An exclusivity sold only on our website. 

The FITSHAPE ™, an intelligent design:


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